Educational Master Plan Committee - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Committee Charge

The Educational Master Plan Committee (EMPC) relies on evidence (e.g.: quantitative and qualitative research, learning assessment results, etc.) to facilitate and lead the effort to develop, review, and revise the Educational Master Plan (EMP) with input from appropriate constituencies. The Crafton EMP is a comprehensive document that establishes a clear direction for the College by envisioning the future of academics and student support under changing internal and external conditions.  The EMPC regularly reviews the Educational Master Plan.  


  • President
  • Two Vice Presidents (VPAS, VPSS or VPI)
  • President, Academic Senate or designee
  • Two Classified Senate representatives
  • Two CSEA representatives
  • President, Student Senate or designee
  • Director, Institutional Advancement
  • Four additional faculty
  • One Instructional Dean
  • Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning

Term: Two years (for appointees)


  • Location: CCR-233
  • Dates: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
  • Time: 3 - 4:30 p.m.